Summary of Major Ideas:
Spiritual awakening involves connecting with the deeper spiritual mind that is innate within you. This is how you find real purpose and meaning in life. This is how you become complete.
- 01:13 Spiritual guidance will rarely come with explanation, which means you need to make the effort to try to understand what’s being given to you. You are not simply being led – you need to be the person on the ground who carries out the mission – both inspired and worldly wise – with one foot on each shore.
- 02:48 “Knowledge” is the deeper spiritual mind within you, the bigger part of you. Your worldly mind is the little part of you. So who is the master and who is the student? Which will you choose to follow? In this you only have these two choices. This needs to be answered in each situation or decision you make. What do you choose to follow?
- 04:32 Inner voices, signs, messages you experience – which ones are true? How can you tell? There are many forces can speak into your mind in ways you can’t see. As you open up your life, you open to many things – so which is true, how can you tell?
- 06:32 Great truths never reveal themselves fully to you. Only in increments, and only if you are willing to follow those parts as they are given will more be given to you. People want answers right now, but Heaven knows better. Can you look deeper?
- 07:30 What is reality? Ultimate definitions do not exist, but a practical one is this: Reality is everything that is happening beyond your thoughts and beliefs. Are you free enough to experience reality? Can you escape your thoughts and beliefs – even momentarily – to experience reality?
- 08:55 Time is your great asset in life – how will you spend it, how will you use it? If you knew how important your life really is – without any grandiosity – you would not want to waste anything. Time – in terms of your life – moves very quickly, so time should be an issue.
- 10:10 Be objective about your life and others. Can you look at a person or situation without coming to immediate conclusions? Can you suspend judgement and evaluation? People put an answer on everything new – so they don’t see it, they don’t experience reality. For them life is about confirming what they think, so they don’t see anything. Here the mind is like a prison – where in fact it’s supposed to be a vehicle of communication. A prison house of belief – where nothing can enter, you can’t see out of it.
- 12:08 Practice does not make perfect – it makes permanent. You can only practice, so what are you going to practice in every moment? Confusion, ambivalence, distraction, judgement, admonition, grievance, frustration, fantasy – what are you practicing right now? Whatever you practice – you make permanent.
- 13:17 Who you are with will determine what you can know and your ability to follow what you know. So who are you with now and what is their influence upon you? There are no neutral influences.
- 14:15 Happiness is the result of things you do, it is not a goal. The goal of life is not happiness. Why? Because that would make you subject to all forms of persuasion and seduction in the world. The sooner you figure out that Separation doesn’t really work, the sooner you can begin to free yourself from it.
- 16:45 You are here for a purpose. Knowledge holds your purpose for you. Can you set aside you own goals and plans to learn of this, step by step? Your intellect does not have it. It is way too unreliable, weak and influenced by the world to hold something like this. It must be something much strong and incorruptible within you to hold this.
- 17:45 Knowledge within you is the answer for your life – yet the calling is out in the world. Can you feel this calling, so that the answer can come out of you? You have to come back to the world – even if you reach enlightenment, like the Buddha, you have to go out in the world to contribute.
- 19:00 Your life is a precious opportunity to discover and express Knowledge. How do you regard yourself in light of this? Do you value this within yourself? Do you value yourself sufficiently that can you accept this great opportunity?
- 21:40 How can you judge yourself if you don’t even know who you are? Without Knowledge – you can’t know who you are. You are just a personality, a product of culture. Without Knowledge – you are wandering.
- 27:55 This is a journey, and you have to go into it with an honest need. An honest evaluation of where you are, where you have been, what you have done – without condemnation. You need to know where you have been to know where you are today, because that is part of your wisdom training. If you want to know what to do in life, you have to know what NOT to do.
- 30:18 Everything being presented here requires a deeper honesty within you. It’s not about what you want or don’t want – it’s about what’s real and true. What you have wanted has not made you happy, not for very long. So you don’t want to invest greatly in things which yield so little, right?
- 31:25 Realization can be important but its only just the beginning. If you don’t stay with it, and refrain from trying to define it or share it with others (don’t ever do this), then the realization begins to unfurl, like a seed that begins to sprout. It takes patience.
- 32:10 Three stages of truly knowing something: (1) the initial experience, it can be a realization – something that really strikes you, (2) then you have to stay with it. The bigger the realization, the longer you have to stay with it. (3) It will lead to action(s) at some point.
- 33:15 With Knowledge you can become reliable and consistent, which are things that none of us really have at the beginning – we have to develop these things. Skills, abilities, awareness, understanding mistakes – learning from you own, and others, mistakes.