Our world is undergoing great change. Contact with extraterrestrial life has begun. Our response to Contact and to environmental, economic and political crises will determine humanity’s future….Keep reading.
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There is a mysterious force within the individual that creates its own pressure like a volcano that wants to erupt, building up its internal pressure. This is the power of personal revelation that is growing strength in the individual, particularly as the individual begins to learn of it and consider it and to realize they are here for a greater purpose, not simply to survive and to secure comforts or to indulge in fantasies, but they are here to serve in a greater way.
In the region of space where your world exists, conquest is not allowed. It is strictly forbidden, and this rule is maintained in order to assure order and stability within this neighborhood of life. If one race seeks to gain advantage in another inhabited world, it must do so in such a way that it appears that its presence is welcome in that world and that a mutual agreement has been established.
Many people feel there is a great movement in the world today, that they are at a great turning point. Some speculate that this will lead to a great disaster for humanity, others to a great awakening. It is as if the ground is moving beneath your feet, and within yourself you feel a great turbulence, as if something is driving you forward towards an unseen and unknown destiny. In response to this great movement, people project their ideas, their beliefs, their hopes and their fears. And from their perspective, the world is either filled with angels or with demons, as they speculate that the great times of change will fulfill the ancient prophecies or will begin new ones.
The seas will rise. Within the next century and a half, they will rise over a hundred feet. Where are you going to live? What will happen to your ports and cities and your prime farmland? What will happen to the deltas of the world and the millions who live there? Who will take them in when they must flee their nation, unable to survive there any longer? It is this you must consider.
There is a mysterious force within the individual that creates its own pressure like a volcano that wants to erupt, building up its internal pressure. This is the power of personal revelation that is growing strength in the individual, particularly as the individual begins to learn of it and consider it and to realize they are here for a greater purpose, not simply to survive and to secure comforts or to indulge in fantasies, but they are here to serve in a greater way.
In the region of space where your world exists, conquest is not allowed. It is strictly forbidden, and this rule is maintained in order to assure order and stability within this neighborhood of life. If one race seeks to gain advantage in another inhabited world, it must do so in such a way that it appears that its presence is welcome in that world and that a mutual agreement has been established.
Many people feel there is a great movement in the world today, that they are at a great turning point. Some speculate that this will lead to a great disaster for humanity, others to a great awakening. It is as if the ground is moving beneath your feet, and within yourself you feel a great turbulence, as if something is driving you forward towards an unseen and unknown destiny. In response to this great movement, people project their ideas, their beliefs, their hopes and their fears. And from their perspective, the world is either filled with angels or with demons, as they speculate that the great times of change will fulfill the ancient prophecies or will begin new ones.
The seas will rise. Within the next century and a half, they will rise over a hundred feet. Where are you going to live? What will happen to your ports and cities and your prime farmland? What will happen to the deltas of the world and the millions who live there? Who will take them in when they must flee their nation, unable to survive there any longer? It is this you must consider.
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